Homo fictus: Storytelling as a Need

Sommersemester 2023 Homo fictus: Storytelling as a Need

Materialien zur Veranstaltung werden ab Beginn der Vorlesungszeit eingestellt / Materials for the course will be provided from the beginning of the lecture period


Homo fictus: Storytelling as a Need (Seminar)

LEITUNG: Prof. Dr. Janko Andrijasevic

TERMIN: Do 16:00–18:00 Uhr

FORMAT: Onlineveranstaltung

Homo sapiens may also be denoted as Homo fictus, due to the fact that humans constantly create stories, perceive them, pass them on in various forms, and organize facts from the outer (or inner) world into narrative units.

The strict laws of evolution have not eliminated storytelling as an art necessary for the survival of humans. Why is that so? What is the purpose of our need to constantly create and share narratives? What is the underlying structure of every story? How do stories relate to various segments of our existence, such as physical and mental health, culture, history, psychology, business? These are some of the discussion questions that this seminar will try to answer.

Die Unterrichtssprache in dieser Veranstaltung ist Englisch / the working language is English.

The course will take place online via video conferencing (Zoom).


  • Gottschall, Jonathan 2012: The Storytelling Animal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.


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